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Bare Metal Arch Linux Installation

··8 mins·

This page provides a guide to the configuration, installation, and set up, of all the various components for new bare-metal systems, including UEFI, Secure Boot, Boot Loaders, the Operating System, and Ansible plays, to prepare a new or wiped system back to full operation.

Initial Configuration #

The first steps are to boot the system using an Arch Linux USB or ISO image, and prepare it to receive remote connections over SSH so that Ansible can run the bootstrap.

Everything in this guide assumes that the Bare Metal Server Configuration steps have been completed, and as such the UEFI is ready and Secure Boot has been disabled so that the Arch Linux image can boot.
  • Given Secure Boot is disabled in the UEFI for this system, simply plug in the USB to the host, along with a keyboard and monitor, and power on. The USB will normally be the only bootable device, and the UEFI will therefore select this by default, booting into the Arch Linux installation environment.

    If this is not the case, press Ctrl + F10 during the first second of power on to select the boot device menu from the UEFI (entering the Supervisor password when asked) and select the USB device from the available list.

  • Once booted and logged into the root console, set the hostname for the device using hostnamectl:

    $ hostnamectl hostname {hostname}
  • Configure the initial networking with ip to provide the node with access to the kub3-node VLAN and default routing for access for installation:

    $ ip addr
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
        link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
        inet scope host lo
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute valid_lft forever
           preferred_lft forever
    2: enp86s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
        link/ether 48:21:eb:55:83:7b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet6 fe80::4821:ebff:fe55:837b/64 scope link proto kernel_ll
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    Take note of the link-local (scope link) address on the enp86s0 interface above, and specifically anything after the fe80:: prefix. This part of the address is the EUI64 address for the interface and will need to be appended to the network prefix (see below). It will be important to get both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are correct to ensure that the network settings are correctly configured by Ansible in all future runs.

    Once ready, then add all IPv4 and IPv6 settings as follows:

    $ ip link add link {dev} name {dev}.32 type vlan id 32
    $ ip -4 addr add 172.23.32.{number}/24 dev {dev}.32
    $ ip -4 route add via
    $ ip -6 addr add 2a02:8010:8006:3a32:{eui64-address}/64 dev {dev}.32
    The IPv6 route will automatically received any processed by the Router Advertisements sent by router-lan-01 and can be verified by checking with the following command:
    $ ip -6 route
    ::/64 dev wlan0 proto ra metric 256 expires 2591909sec pref medium
    default via fe80::7a9a:18ff:fe49:b230 dev wlan0 proto ra metric 256 expires 3509sec pref high
  • Set the root user password on the live installation image to allow remove access for configuration using Ansible:

    $ passwd
    New password: {password}
    Retype new password: {password}
    password: password updated successfully

Bootstrapping #

The bootstrapping of the system is the biggest part of the configuration of the host and is fully automated. It should take about 2-3 minutes to complete on each host and will set up all filesystems, bootstrap the operating system, and pre-configure the host ready to be rebooted into itself.

  • Start an SSH session to the root user on the host to be installed, but ensure that the Host Key is neither saved nor verified for this host as it will be using a temporary one generated by the installation image:

    $ ssh \
        -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
        -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
    root@{hostname} ~ #
  • Taking a clone of the Ansible repository, run the bootstrap using the Taskfile.yaml. If this system is new to the n3tuk Lab, then ensure that the host is listed in the inventory.yaml file, as well as having it’s own variables file under hosts_vars.

    $ task bootstrap
    SSH password: {password}
    PLAY [Bootstrap new physical and virtual machines with Arch Linux] *************

    If the bootstrap play only needs to be focused on a single host, or selected hosts, then the limit= argument can be provided on the command-line to only run on those hosts:

    $ task baseline
    BECOME password: {password}

Secure Booting #

To optimise the security of the system, Secure Boot should be enabled to verify that the kernel and initial images have not been tampered with, and as such allow the encrypted filesystem to be unlocked automatically (especially important as this is a remotely-managed server).

Although the bootstrapping steps above ensure that the keys are configured, and the kernels are set up and signed with them, we need to prepare the system to accept the public keys and then enable Secure Boot.

  • Once successfully run, reboot the system and press Ctrl and F2 to access the UEFI interface, entering in the required password for the Supervisor on this system.

  • Press Tab until Boot is highlighted, and press Enter, then go down and select Reset to Setup Mode, confirming with Yes on the pop-up. This will allow the Secure Boot keys to be enrolled into the UEFI BIOS and validate signed kernels for booting. Press Ctrl + F10 then select Yes to save the settings and reboot.

  • Once the system has been rebooted, unlock the storage partition (locally), log in as the root account (either directly via the console, or remotely via a user account who can sudo into the root account. From there, run sbctl to verify Secure Boot is ready to be loaded with our custom keys:

    $ sbctl status
    Installed:      ✓ sbctl is installed
    Owner GUID:     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Setup Mode:     ✗ Enabled
    Secure Boot:    ✗ Disabled
    Vendor Keys:    none

    So long as Setup Mode is showing as Enabled, run the sbctl enroll-keys command to load the locally generated keys into the database, ensuring that the Microsoft keys are enrolled too:

    $ sbctl enroll-keys --microsoft
    Enrolling keys to EFI variables...
    With vendor keys from microsoft...✓
    Enrolled keys to the EFI variables!
  • To verify this has worked as expected, again reboot the system and press Ctrl and F2 to access the UEFI interface, entering in the required password for the Supervisor on this system.

  • Press Tab until Boot is highlighted, and press Enter, then go down and select Secure Boot, changing Secure Boot in the following screen to Enabled. Press Ctrl + F10 then select Yes to save the settings and reboot.

  • The system should boot as normal, but with Secure Boot enabled. If there is a warning message about the authenticity of the boot loader or kernels, then disable Secure Boot in the UEFI following the above steps, and then reboot in the system and run:

    $ sbctl sign-all
    ✓ Signed /efi/EFI/Linux/linux-hardened.efi
    ✓ Signed /efi/EFI/Linux/linux-lts.efi

    To verify that Secure Boot is fully operational and the signed kernels are loaded correctly, and that Setup Mode has been disabled (so no new keys can be added), run sbctl status:

    $ sbctl status
    Installed:      ✓ sbctl is installed
    Owner GUID:     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Setup Mode:     ✓ Disabled
    Secure Boot:    ✓ Enabled
    Vendor Keys:    microsoft

TPM Enrollment #

Once we are booting with Secure Boot enabled, the system is ready to enroll the TPM chip into the boot process by storing an encrypted key to unlock the encrypted filesystem, so long as nothing has been tampered. The following steps will accomplish this.

  • The next step is to enroll the encrypted filesystem into the TPM module on the system, which allows the UEFI/TPM module to provided the decryption key for the filesystem, so long as the system has not been tampered and the kernels are signed.

    First, verify that the TPM device is available to be configured:

    $ systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device=list
    PATH        DEVICE      DRIVER
    /dev/tpmrm0 MSFT0101:00 tpm_crb
    $ systemd-cryptenroll \
        --tpm2-device=auto \
        --tpm2-pcrs=0+7 \
    Please enter current passphrase for disk /dev/nvme0n1p2: {passphrase}
    New TPM2 token enrolled as key slot 1.

    The TPM2 should now be enrolled and the system can boot with a signed kernel only and decrypt the filesystem provided there’s been no change to the UEFI firmware and Secure Boot remains enabled. The /etc/crypttab files already support TPM2 unlocking, so no further configuration is required.

Baselining #

Once a system has been bootstrapped and configured for secure booting, we can run the baseline play against the server. This ensures that all final configurations are made and anything which should not be installed during bootstrapping is installed now.

  • The final step is to run the baseline play from the Ansible repository using the Taskfile.yaml:

    $ task baseline
    BECOME password: {password}
    PLAY [Baseline all physical machines] ******************************************

    Like with the bootstrap play above, if baseline only needs to be focused on a single host, or selected hosts, then the limit= argument can be provided on the command-line to only run on those hosts:

    $ task baseline
    BECOME password: {password}

    This will ensure that the final utilities and configurations are installed (such as firewalld), and then that the system is ready to operate as required (running the appropriate plays for the specific services and configurations needed).

  • Reboot the system to verify everything operates as expected.