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Mikrotik Routers and Switches

··3 mins· Draft

Service Overview #

Provide an overview of the virtual machines; noting it’s general setup and purpose.

Service Details #


Upstream Dependencies #

This service is currently dependent upon the following services and/or systems for normal operation, and for what reasons that dependency is needed.

There are no upstream dependencies on this system at this time.

Downstream Dependencies #

This service is currently dependent upon by following services and/or systems for normal operation, and for what reasons that dependency is needed.

The network is a core component of the n3tuk Organisation infrastructure, providing connectivity between all systems and services, as permitted, and Internet connectivity.

Maintenance Tasks #

All commands provided here assume the use of the fish shell, not bash. If you are using bash, please check and convert them where required.

Certificate Updates #

All Mikrotik hosts provide a local web service which runs WebFig for remote management, as well as access to graphs and API. As with all certificates, they must be regulary updated as and when they expire.

  • To perform a check on the certificate of a Mikrotik host, run the following command which will verify if the presented certificate will expire within the next four weeks:

    $ echo -n Q \
      | openssl s_client \
          -connect {hostname}:443 \
        2>/dev/null \
      | openssl x509 -noout -enddate -checkend 604800
    notAfter=Jan 1 00:00:00 2099 GMT
    Certificate will not expire
  1. Fetch the n3tuk-ca.img file to the local system in order to mount it to access its contents.

  2. Using losetup and cryptsetup to attach the file to the system and open it for mounting, with pass providing the required passphrase to open the encrypted storage:

    $ pass show keys/certificate-authority/crypt
    $ sudo losetup --find n3tuk-ca.img
    $ sudo cryptsetup open /dev/loop0 certificate-authority
    Enter passphrase for n3tuk-ca.img: {passphrase}
    $ mount /dev/mapper/certificate-authority -o noatime /mnt/tmp

Incidents #

Provide information about potential incidents which may occur within the service or system, such as a crash, loss of selected services, or a denial of service.

Name of Incident #

Provide a description of the incident which needs to be documented, providing both the context for the error or failure, as well as the expected output for resolution.

  • Note the steps which can be used to check if/when this incident is genuine and the following steps will need to be run.
  1. Note the steps which are needed in order to resolve this incident.
  2. Note the steps which are needed to check that the incident has been resolved and the service or system is running successfully too.